Questions about helping kids to recognize, prevent, and stop child abuse

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

Kids Empowered is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit agency based in Albuquerque, NM. It is a free primary prevention program aimed at stopping and preventing child abuse and neglect.

The program utilizes an evidence-based curriculum providing age-appropriate information for elementary school-aged children, kindergarten through fifth grade. It teaches children how to identify unsafe situations and to build skills to resist all types of child abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect, bullying, and cyberbullying.

The program supplies materials and resources for children, teachers, program supervisors, and parents/caregivers at no charge. It encourages children to identify safe adults and how to talk to them when they have concerns.

How does it work?

The program provides two separate lessons per grade/age level, 30-45 minutes each. The lessons are interactive, and students enjoy participating with thoughts and ideas. Parents/caregivers receive consent/opt-out forms before each lesson and handouts after each lesson, with tips on how to talk to their children about personal safety. Teachers receive reinforcement activity sheets.

Who teaches the lessons?

Trained and certified facilitators deliver all lessons.

Is the program evaluated for efficacy?

Some children are asked to complete a pre and post survey with questions regarding information covered in the lessons. We use this feedback to guide our lesson plans.

Why is this program necessary?

Children cannot and will not ask for help if they don’t know that what is happening to them is wrong. Most parents simply don’t have access to the research-based information that Kids Empowered provides for their children, and many appreciate their children receiving safety education from an outside professionl in addition to the conversations at home. Also, schools are not reaching enough students with the critical information that is essential for children to help keep themselves safe.

Where do you provide the lessons?

Facilitators meet you at your location within the Albuquerque area and Rio Rancho. We are hoping to expand in the coming years to reach more children in New Mexico.

Contact Us

To learn more about Kids Empowered programs, classes, or upcoming events please fill out this form and we’ll contact you shortly.

To report suspected child abuse or neglect in NM: Simply type in


from a cell phone or dial


(remember you can remain anonymous)